Monday, January 28, 2008


Pictured below are 271 bottle caps I collected over the course of a few months.

Football cake

Looking at this football field cake, you can see the amount of work that goes into this piece. But on closer examination it becomes clear that the person doing the decorating was not a football fan, or at least doesn't understand the numbering scheme on the field. The regulation field goes from 10 to 40, with 50 in the middle then back down again. This field however increments by 10 all the way up to 90, up and down on both sides. I wonder why this cake hasn't sold yet.

Friday, January 25, 2008


So far I have only ever had meetings that go no where and do nothing. Sitting in this meeting waiting for it to start, I don't think this will be any different.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


In the local Kroger, they now have lcd monitors constantly displaying comercials. Like every single item in the store isn't an advertisment already. And the best part? The advertisments reminded you every know and again that you are shopping at Kroger, like I didn't see the 7 foot tall blue letters as I walked in.


In a rare feat, I saw an oscar nominated film Juno. It was a great film dealing with a great actor playing the lead who was also nominated. She shows the great skill of someone twice her age, and will be one to watch in the future. The thing that bothers me is that I've seen a few stories now saying, "is hollywood setting a bad example" because the film deals with teenage pregnancy. A simple answer is to jump back 150 years and pregnant teens are the norm and the overall idea of a "childhood" simply doesn't exist. I'm not sure of what this is a byprodct of, but its just a question of historical context.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Being mobile

Another great thing about having an internet capable phone is that I don't have to have human interaction. I simply can type on my phone, and for the most part people will leave me alone.

Stuffed flounder

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


I saw this going across the driveway because of the rain. Its a huge night crawler, it measured over a foot long. Again proving that I'm very easily impressed.

Saturday, January 12, 2008


If anything good can come of the strike, I think the Conan O'Brien Show is really doing great without the writers. The rockabilly songs, german light show, and spinning the ring are really like the normal show. This period should really prove his strength as a great comedy actor/writer. The oe sour note in this deal is that there is only one new show left for 30 rock. 30 Rock is the best show on TV now and I hate to see it loose it's momentum mid season. Not to mention it's dvd sales for season 2.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Monday, January 07, 2008


The thing about blogs are that they are a good amount of work. People sign up for it and think that its easy, but since its typically done for fun it can eaisly get trumped by life. I try to make sure this is fun and never becomes work, because otherwise it will become a tombstone like countless others. is working on it's 7th year and lm lucky enough to say that its just as fun as day one. And with this blackberry hopefully this blog will thrive as the TLD of the same name.

Jury duty followup

So that was rather boring waiting around to be or not be picked. But the process of elimination was interesting. It was a small claims court civil case, I guess the case involved a car accident in a parking lot. The defandant was representing himself, because of that I'm glad I wasn't picked. That guy would has gotten slammed by the lawyer.
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

Jury duty follow up

So that was rather boring waiting around to be or not be picked. But the process of elimination was interesting. It was a small claims court civil case, I guess the case involved a car accident in a parking lot. The defandant was representing himself, because of that I'm glad I wasn't picked. That guy would has gotten slammed by the lawyer.
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

Jury duty followup

So that was rather boring waiting around to be or not be picked. But the process of elimination was interesting. It was a small claims court civil case, I guess the case involved a car accident in a parking lot. The defandant was representing himself, because of that I'm glad I wasn't picked. That guy would has gotten slammed by the lawyer.
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

Friday, January 04, 2008